Thursday, August 28, 2008

Manti Magic.

Well. Things have been moving really fast here. Jaclyn and I both started our cute little Manti jobs. I have been working at "Millers Bakery" and Jaclyn at the "Manti Market." Jaclyn is pretty cute in her apron and I have visited her a couple times in action. If you need anybody to bag your groceries, she's your girl. We really enjoy working in Manti at these cute little stores because EVERYONE comes in. Its nice to get to chat with the regulars and see how they are doing. Everyone is so caring and eager to share about their day, I love it! I will also be starting a second job at the Manti Elementary school as a reading tutor! I can't wait! The program is really interesting and I'm excited to get back working with the kids. We have both been really tired when we get home and cook dinner/do the dishes so we haven't had much time to do a lot of other things. But we were able to sneak in a little fun here and there. We rode our bikes to the rodeo a couple days ago and it was lots of fun to see all the little kids dressed in their cowboy outfits. It was fun to walk around with our cameras and take pictures of the horses and the cute small town rides. I really want to get a couple horses someday and let the kids (and myself of coarse) gallop around town. Just being in this town always makes me think of the future and raising my own cute little family ,maybe even in Manti!!! Oh! And I FINALLY got a letter from Taylor today. It was the first since we've been here. I was getting a little desperate. Pathetic, I know. Well, with everything thats been going on, I am happy to report that we HAVE had time for the most important thing of all... Fresh Prince. We are still working on season one but as long as I get to hear Will Smith's beautiful voice each day, I am content. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Big Move.

My freshman year of college I decided to stay at home and do my schooling in town. Partly because it was less expensive, and partly because the boy I was dating, Taylor, was going to ASU and I wanted to be near him. It was a fabulous freshman year and Taylor has now begun his two year mission in Montevideo Uruguay. After he left I felt like it was time to move on and get away somewhere. My dear friend Jaclyn's parents have a second house in Manti, Utah! Being the kind and generous people that they are... they are letting us stay here for the next semester. Jaclyn and I are roommates! It was a little hard to leave Chandler but mainly because I had to leave my friend Vanessa who is now attending U of A. I miss her dearly. But, things got better once we finally arrived in Manti. The weather is great and I love the small town atmosphere! I am applying for a job in the elementary school here and hope that it will pull through! Even if it doesn't I am just so excited to be here and meet new people. Its only been two days but its so nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city in Arizona. It gives me a chance to relax and think and have lots of fun bike rides wif my girl Jaclyn!!!!!